EyeROV~Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) or Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and its Applications

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Autonomous Surface Vehicles, also known as Unmanned Surface Vehicles, represent compact watercraft capable of both autonomous and remote operation. These vessels are primarily employed in hydrographic surveying tasks, serving as an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient alternative to traditional boat-based survey methods.

The EyeROV ASV, known as the iBoat Alpha, stands out as a fully integrated and autonomous system tailored for hydrographic surveys and a wide range of other applications. The autonomous navigation capabilities of our iBoat Alpha significantly streamline the labour-intensive process of hydrographic surveying, ultimately saving valuable time and manpower.

Furthermore, the iBoat Alpha is purposefully designed to provide optimal support for various payloads and instruments, including single beam echo sounders, multibeam echo sounders, side-scan sonars, Sub-bottom profilers, water quality sensors, and ADCP systems, ensuring the acquisition of high-quality data.

The vessel boasts advanced manoeuvrability thanks to its two-thruster propulsion system, capable of reaching a top speed of 3 meters per second. Its construction incorporates professional-grade, waterproof maritime components that can be easily disassembled for convenient transportation.

Notably, the Catamaran design of the ASV simplifies deployment and retrieval processes. The ASV's operational flexibility spans autonomous and remote control modes, enabling unmanned data acquisition. Its ease of movement and efficiency further underscore its quick and secure usability in various aquatic environments.

EyeROV iBoat- Alpha

iBoat-Alpha is a lightweight ASV that can take various payloads like echo sounder, ADCP, Sub-bottom profiler, etc. The easy-to-manoeuvre vessel features an innovative two-thruster propulsion system that can reach a top speed of 3m/s. iBoat- Alpha is made from professional grade, watertight marine components and readily disassembled for ease of transport.   

Single Beam Echosounder

Single Beam Echo sounder can be installed on ASV for data acquisition. A transducer and a top unit make up the two distinct units which constitute the Echosounder system. A transducer transforms electrical energy into auditory pulses and then back once again. It has an acoustic frequency of 500 kHz and the range is between 0.3m to 100m+.

Water quality Sensors

Water quality sensors are sensors that monitor and evaluate the features of water, including its physical, chemical, and biological properties like pH, TSS, BOD and COD values. These sensors are essential for managing water resources, conducting scientific research, and monitoring the environment. They aid in seeing changes in water quality, spotting hazardous contaminants, and guaranteeing the security of water for varied uses.

Side Scan SONAR

Side-scan sonar is applied to detect micro-topography and surface features of the seafloor Sonar is effectively used in side-scan imaging surveys to precisely capture an acoustic image of a significant portion of the ocean floor. Transducers used in side scan sonar produce fan-shaped sonic pulses that are directed downward towards the ocean floor at a wide angle perpendicular to the sensor's journey through the water. The side scan sonar uses a 452KHz sound frequency.


A system called the DGPS, or Differential Global Positioning System, is used to improve and keep track of the discrepancies between the positions displayed by GPS (Global Positioning System) signals and the actual positions.


According to the regular operating procedure, the onboard RTK Global Positioning System (GPS) was validated. Verification will be done using known points, which must be approved by the client. 

Survey Methodology using iBoat-Alpha

iBoat-Alpha with RTK DGPS positioning system, whose positioning will be checked or verified at the known point at the mobilization port or on location. All navigation will be acquired and logged in the survey navigation package. Minimum Grid Spacing according to client requirements will be maintained for the Bathymetry survey. Required survey lines will be fed to this system and displayed for the Data acquisition. At mobilization, the Party Commander and surveyors will each individually review the geodetic variables and other data to the system. Echo sounder digital data will be recorded in the respective format and annotated with position, headings, depth, and fixed marks. The compilation of bathymetric results will be summarized in the Chart. Datum based on the tide gauge readings provided during the survey. The tide gauge height will be tied to the nearest vertical Reference point to be able to compute the Chart Datum. BM for vertical elevation reference to compute the height of the tide gauge relative to the nearest reference point at the location survey. The reference point to be used will be verified or validated prior to the commencement of work.